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Adoption & Foster CareChildhood AdversityPapers & Presentations

Long-term follow-up of the Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS) with adolescent adoptees

Emily Helder, Francie Bailey, Ana Li Warners, & Chloe Vallance Full TextDownload Abstract The present study sought to demonstrate the long-term impacts of the Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS; Laugeson et al., 2010) among adolescent adoptees struggling to navigate peer…
January 25, 2024
Adoption & Foster CareChildhood AdversityPapers & Presentations

Co-sleeping, regressive parenting, and onset of punishment as predictors of child adjustment five years after international adoption

An empirical evaluation of controversial practices in popular adoption manuals Marjorie Lindner Gunnoe & Emily Helder Download full text article Abstract Co-sleeping, regressive parenting, and punishment the first year post-adoption were used to predict externalizing, internalizing, attachment disturbances and full-scale IQ at five years post-adoption…
January 16, 2023
Adoption & Foster CareChildhood AdversityNeuropsychology & NeurosciencePapers & Presentations

Predictors and Correlates of Inattentive/Overactive Behaviors in Internationally Adopted Children

Originally Authored by Emily Helder, Brianne Brooker, Laura Ring Kapitula, Brooke Goalen & Marjorie J. Gunnoe in Applied Neuropsychology: Child Download Full Text PDF Abstract Children adopted internationally following deprived early care have an elevated risk for difficulties with inattention/overactivity (Kreppner et al., 2001). The…
March 15, 2016
Adoption & Foster CareChildhood AdversityNeuropsychology & NeurosciencePapers & Presentations

A longitudinal investigation of children internationally adopted at school age

Originally Authored by Emily J. Helder, Elizabeth Mulder & Marjorie Linder Gunnoe in Child Neuropsychology Download Full Article PDF Abstract Most existing research on children adopted internationally has focused on those adopted as infants and toddlers. The current study longitudinally tracked several outcomes, including cognitive,…
November 7, 2014
Adoption & Foster CareChildhood AdversityNeuropsychology & NeurosciencePapers & Presentations

Microstructural Abnormalities in Language and Limbic Pathways in Orphanage-reared Children: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study

Originally Authored by Ajay Kumar, Michael E. Behan, Piti Singsoonsud, Amy L. Veenstra, Courtney Wolfe-Christensen, Emily Helder, Harry T. Chugani in Jounral of Child Neurology Download Full Text Article PDF Abstract This study utilized diffusion tensor imaging fiber tractography to examine the miscrostructural integrity of…
March 15, 2014
Neuropsychology & NeurosciencePapers & Presentations

Development of an eight-subtest short form of the WISC-IV and evaluation of its clinical utility in children with traumatic brain injury

Originally Authored by Jacobus Donders, Brainne Elzinga, David Kuipers, Emily Helder, & John R. Crawford in Child Neuropsychology Download Full Text Article PDF Abstract This study evaluated the degree to which an 8-subtest short form of theWechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Fourth Edition would yield acceptable…
November 7, 2013